12 October 2017
At Matas mobile comes first
As one of the front-runners in the Danish e-commerce industry, Matas is constantly having the development and changes of the customers’ demands in view and as a result, the national pharmacy chain with more than 250 shops has now optimised its webshop with even more focus on mobile user-friendliness.
With top positions in the competition for the E-Commerce Prize four years in succession – including silver in 2012 and gold in the category ‘Omni channel’ in 2013 – it is obvious that Matas is more than able to satisfy the customers’ demands for its webshop. A discipline which Matas masters by continuously optimising matas.dk in order to satisfy the customers’ expectations for the optimal shopping experience and thereby ensuring Matas' position as the preferred webshop of cosmetics and skincare.
Focus on the customers
All studies show, and are supported by figures from Google Analytics, among others, that today the customers access webshops from more than 2,000 different screen sizes when they shop online. This means that a lot of customers are not necessarily getting the intended and optimal experience if the webshop is designed with 2 point variants in the display – mobile and desktop.
As a result, Matas’ webshop has now been design optimised in fluid design in which the elements are automatically adjusted to each individual screen display ensuring all customers the ultimate shopping experience in relation to user experience also when they access the webshop from different mobile units.

Mobile first – the right information in the right places
As part of the optimisation, Matas has also examined which pages in its webshop are mostly visited and which information is mostly searched for by the customers. The result is that information such as ‘Find shop’, display of opening hours and display of shops with medicine delivery is now even easier for the customers to find from a mobile unit. To provide the perfect visual impression, the mobile display of the banners on the site has also been specially designed.
To optimise the webshop further, Matas has also been working on the display of several pictures and integration of videos in the individual product pages, and there are now even more filtering options in the product list allowing the customers to easily and quickly find exactly what they are looking for.

30% increased conversion with new design
Since the go-live with fluid design and optimisations in the mobile display, the conversion rate from mobile has increased by more than 30% compared to the same period last year. When the customers are presented with a visually nice design and are easily able to find what they are looking for irrespective of from which unit they are online shopping, it can normally be read in the conversion rate and this is also the case for Matas. Even though it is a general tendency that the conversion from mobile has increased since 2016, the huge conversion increase for Matas is a clear indication that the optimisation of design for mobile display certainly pays.
Michael Wassmann Karlsen, E-Commerce Manager at Matas
“The purpose of design optimising to fluid design was to an even greater extent ensure our customers the best shopping experience also when they shop from the mobile. And we can see from the conversion rate that we have succeeded so we are very satisfied”
Would you also like to ensure that your webshop is perfectly adjusted to all units? We would like to invite you for a cup of coffee or we can visit you for a non-binding talk.
Please contact CEO, Lars Hedal, at +45 40 25 50 83 or on e-mail hedal@hesehus.dk
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