Unleash the potential of AI
Realize the hopes and turn AI into concrete solutions
We live in the future
Since the launch of ChatGPT, generative AI has been an immensely promising technology with a clear potential to change the way we do most things. But AI is not just potential and rosy clouds on the horizon. Generative AI is a technology that can help you right now. It can ease your daily workloads and provide significant benefits to the customer.
Get daily assistance
Routine tasks are rarely particularly challenging or exciting. Therefore, most people would like to avoid them. Luckily, these are the kinds of tasks AI excels at. For example, we have helped Matas use AI to draft responses to skin tests and integrate AI directly into their mobile POS, so sales assistants always have a digital assistant at hand.
A better customer journey with AI
Generative AI is excellent at helping to understand and process what can easily become overwhelming for us. It can make the customer journey easier for the individual and reduce complexity for the customer. Today, an AI we developed together with Matas helps summarize the thousands of product reviews on matas.dk. This makes it quick to get an overview of both the pros and cons of a product.

AI must make sense
AI is not just magical fairy dust you can sprinkle over an IT solution to optimize it. It requires thoughtful development and analysis to even see if there is potential for AI to solve a specific problem. Therefore, we work systematically to develop prototypes that we can use to uncover the benefits you can achieve with AI.
AI ready to improve your e-commerce
You no longer need to spend time on the heavy routine tasks in your work with content, product data, or searches. We have built the AI assistant, BAIA, into our e-commerce platform, Bizzkit. This means you can save both time and hassle every single day, freeing you up to do the tasks you are passionate about.

What can AI help you with?
The greatest potential right now lies in the tasks you would like to get rid of. The overwhelming, the boring, the heavy tasks. In many cases, AI can help you here, but we are not wearing blinders. There are many promising technologies right now, and AI is just one of them. Not all problems require an AI solution.
What does AI need to work?
The biggest problem is the models' casual relationship with the truth. Therefore, AI solutions always require human intelligence in the task-solving process. This requires a "Human-in-the-loop," ensuring that the artificial intelligence does not go completely off track.
How do we work with security and AI?
Firstly, we put a human in the loop, so someone has always critically assessed what the AI produces. Additionally, we base our solutions on Microsoft Frameworks, which enable us to collectively set the boundaries for what the AI can do, what it can say, and how it says it, so you do not get any unpleasant surprises.
What if AI technology changes completely?
AI is rapidly evolving. New solutions are constantly emerging, so we cannot give any guarantees. The technology will change and become more standardized, but that does not mean there is no potential in being involved from the start if you want to position yourself as cutting edge. No one knows exactly what will happen, so you have to take a chance—whether you adopt the technology early or wait to see what happens.
We are ready to help