11 May 2017
Become the customers’ first choice with new mobile features
The increased use of mobile devices in online shopping, which we have seen in recent years, seems to continue. It is therefore crucial for e-sellers that your webshops perform optimally on the mobile. It is where the customers are and they expect that it is easy, simple and fast to shop from the mobile.
The customers' expectations also applies when they shop in the physical shops where they demand to be able to use the mobile in the specific shopping situation. And the good news is that it is actually easy to satisfy the customers’ expectations.
Retail’s BIG Show 2017
Hesehus was in New York when the National Retail Federation held the largest conference of the year in the industry – Retail’s BIG Show 2017 where almost 300 experts and visionary retailers came on stage and shared their ideas and knowledge about how we become successful and constantly make sure to accommodate the customers' requests and expectations.
On stage were, among others, the Director of Retail Industry Solutions Andrew Farrell and Vice President of Strategy Jeremy Gilman from the global giant within end-to-end mobility DMI. They were talking about the best ways for e-sellers to satisfy their customers. In 2016, the esteemed company made a large international survey, Mobile Maturity Model Retail Report, for the purpose of identifying the customers’ expectations compared to what the retailers are actually offering today.

Save time and money for the customers – it pays off

DMI’s survey is based on 5000 shoppers’ experiences in the USA and Europe and based on the shoppers’ responses, DMI has identified 10 features which are demanded but most companies are far from satisfying.
On top of the customers’ wish list is saving time and money. It has to be easy to shop online and having the mobile handy at almost all hours, the customers are in particular expecting that it is easy to shop online from their smart phones but they are also increasingly expecting that the mobile can help them shop in the physical shops – mobile use in store. They want the right product at the right price and they want to find it as easily as possible.
By making various mobile functions available to the customers, they can gain access to stock, prices, personalised offers, bonus point status and much more.
In short, e-sellers can save both time and money for the customers by giving them the right mobile features, and what is most important – we already have the technology to satisfy the expectations. It is just a question of implementing them and placing them in the hands of the customers.
The 10
most demanded mobile features
1 See shop specific offers and promotions
2 See bonus/point balance anytime
3 Immediately check the price and inventory of a product via scanning
4 Receive notifications when a product is in stock
5 Carry out checkout via self-service
6 See all available products in a certain shop
7 Scan products during shopping
8 Use the mobile to earn bonus points
9 Store payment information
10 Reserve products via mobile before collection
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Significantly increased conversion and loyalty
If you use the mobile features to satisfy the customers’ expectations, a lot of benefits can be gained. According to DMI’s survey, you will be rewarded with increased loyalty, more frequent visits in physical shops as well as in the webshop, up to 85% more probability that the customer actually makes a purchase and not least up to 88% more probability that the customers choose you rather than the competitors.
Are you ready to optimise your e-commerce solution even more towards the customers’ mobile expectations and implement the demanded features in your solution? Please contact CEO, Lars Hedal, for a non-binding talk at: +45 40 25 50 83 or write to hedal@hesehus.dk