20. november 2017
Three new customers at Hesehus
The order book is filled at the e-commerce specialist Hesehus. The reason is partly new projects for existing customers and partly a big increase of new customers – including an aspiring distribution network, Europe’s biggest farm supply company and an interesting cookie service.

The preferred partner in agriculture and one of the biggest farm supply companies DLG has just signed with Hesehus regarding several interesting solutions. We are looking forward to a strong and giving cooperation with DLG.

The great aspiring and nation-wide distribution network GLS has chosen Hesehus as their new partner for online solutions. The solutions include design, development and implementation. We are looking forward to helping GLS becoming the preferred supplier of packages in a fast-moving industry.

Another customer at Hesehus is Cybot, who delivers cookie-solutions through their product ‘Cookiebot’. The solution includes new logos and style for the company Cybot and the product Cookiebot along with frontend and design on their mainsite cybot.com and their productsite cookiebot.com. It was important that Hesehus could deliver logos as well as websites, which appeared modern and contemporary but at the same time illustrated seriousness, professionalism and trustworthiness. Cybot.com is already live with the new solutions while cookiebot.com is still under reconstruction.
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